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The University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) administers the UC 4-H Youth Development Program. The UC ANR Vice President is responsible for all UC ANR programs including the UC 4-H Youth Development Program.

Statewide Leadership

The State 4-H Office provides statewide leadership and direction to the 4-H YDP, programmatically and administratively coordinates state level 4-H YDP activities and programs, and identifies and secures funding for statewide and/or multi-county events and activities. The Statewide 4-H Youth Development Program Director provides statewide programmatic leadership and administrative and operational support for California’s 4-H YDP; fosters team building with teams of academic peers, youth professionals, volunteers, youth and other cooperators; and serves as liaison between the 4-H YDP and various internal and external stakeholder groups.

The California 4-H Foundation functions as an official support group to ANR to raise funds on behalf of statewide and local priority 4-H YDP needs. The California 4-H Foundation Director reports to the Development Services Director and the AVP Administrative Services.

County Administration

UC County 4-H Offices: The County Directors are responsible for the program staff and the administration and management of county extension programs, including the county 4-H YDP. County directors are responsible for ensuring that the county 4-H YDP conforms to: university policy; federal, state, and local laws; safety and health regulations; affirmative action guidelines; and the mission, core values and educational objectives of the 4-H YDP. 4-H Youth Development Advisors develop applied research and education programs in response to the needs of California’s youth, families and the communities. 4-H Program Representatives plan, implement and deliver educational programs for the 4-H YDP at the county level.

County 4-H Volunteer Councils: Every county must have a chartered county council or other volunteer management organization that is authorized through the 4-H charter process to use the 4-H name and emblem and conduct the countywide 4-H YDP events and activities for educational purposes. Each 4-H county council and unit is chartered by UC. Conferral of the 4-H charter recognizes the group as a legal body within UC, authorizes the group to use the 4-H name and emblem, and provides the group with tax exempt status.

4-H Club Program: The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development opportunities to meet the needs of young people to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity and to foster educational opportunities tied to the Land Grant University knowledge base. All 4-H units which intend to raise funds must be chartered to use the 4-H name and emblem, raise funds in the name of 4-H, and carry out the 4-H YDP educational program.

Adult Volunteers: Volunteers, parents and other adults are a valued and essential part of the California 4-H Youth Development Program (4-H YDP), and have a profound impact on the life trajectory of 4-H members. Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and county director. It is the responsibility of the 4-H YDP to identify, screen, select, train and support 4-H adult volunteers so they can successfully carry out their duties.

Youth Members: Membership in the California 4-H Youth Development Program engages youth in a range of age appropriate activities that lead to the development of leadership, citizenship and life skills. Youth are involved in positive, meaningful, respectful relationships with adult volunteers that help youth to master skills and competencies and enhance independence. To participate in 4-H club program activities youth must complete the required enrollment forms, pay accident/illness insurance and state 4-H program fees, and have the individual enrollment recorded by the county office.